Hi Peaches, I misunderstood I think. I paid for my ticket to the brunch but when Tasha said we can bring a plus 1 I thought that meant my daughter which is my plus one was free. So do I have to pay for her AND she has to be a subscriber?! I'm getting confused lol. If I can't bring her can I get a refund? How do I do that? I'm on disability so I had not budgeted for her ticket although I bought tickets for us both to the show on Oct 20. This is a joint trip for me to see Tadha but also for her birthday on 10/24 so I can't leave her at the hotel while I go to the brunch. I know I asked a lot but I really need clarification.
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Sep 02 at 04:55 AM
Same question here. I could swear I thought tasha say we can bring a plus one and my daughter was coming but I thought plus 1 means it's free for her, tonight I watched a video that she said we havta pay for them. Idk what to do if I can't bring her, it's her birthday trip as well so I need more clarity. I live on disability, really didn't budget for her and it's almost sold out. Smh