
Let me go back and watch Tasha to who it may concern video about 4or5 years ago 🤔

Jul 14 at 04:10 PM

I use to love TS but now 🤬!! I’ll be glad when Tasha press the gas on your ass. Stop playing with people children.


Commented on Who is this??

Jul 14 at 02:03 PM

Tashs sent all of us to the community feed 😂😂😂 Queen Tasha 💯 drop dat shit.

Dat ain’t Beyonce! Idc what nobody talking bout. That’s that white lady that kept being seen at the airport with Jay when Beyonce wasn’t seen in public in months.

Omg I think I know who the producer is 💔 It’s only one other high high producer from that time.

Great show Tasha! I was in everyone comments who I follow screaming don’t believe the brick lady as soon as I saw it. Please notice us followers who don’t have a following, we be knowing stuff too. And FREE MC SHAKIE 💚💚💚 we need Shakie to come Supa together.

Kesha K 😂🙌🏾🍷this shit is federal all these mutherfuckers lying including Shirley. Whole situationship with that lady husband.

He momma called her and told her to shut the fuck up 🤭