
And my opinion is my opinion especially if I’m paying for it. I didn’t ask you so get up off my shit bitch. I wasn’t talking to you Ms. app and comment police.
Love the show Tasha all topics was kool🍷. My two cents is I can’t take call ins and side conversations. I log off. I only want to hear from the content creator.

Jul 10 at 07:52 PM

Can’t even skip around to find the actual topics. I hope Fuckery Friday is the way you do it on YouTube I come for organized content y’all are all over the place and too many people talking. Most definitely don’t want to hear from people calling in. I’m going to give the app a try again but this time I’ll try to make until the first of the year. This has to get better.
I can’t take the other people on the live Tasha It’s irritating I come to hear what YOU have to say on the content and it’s worse because fast forward and rewind is rough. I want to watch the livestream BUT GIRLLL NOOO