Brandee March 10 Pisces

Cleveland, OH, United States

He def is there to support his mother , but the oppertunity to talk about it you see the circles stop. He wanted to choose his words wisely, all we can do is respect it. Yall contrary to what you think it is not an easy conversation to have when it comes to family. Rich or Not. Tasha the fact that you got the conversation started for them will now give them the confidence to go for it

Wow. This was deep. So unfortunate. Tasha , you right, he’s a nice looking man


It was supposed to be Cleveland. I asked about the dates

Tasha is not absent. She is giving other content creators an oppertunity to be on her platform and to be introduced to hef followers. Bondy is in her own lane and follows her own agenda. She is very intelligent and knows her shit. Give her a chance , I promise once you stop comparing her to TASHAK and see her as an addition, instead,you may like her commontary. Just my 2 cents
