Brandee March 10 Pisces

Cleveland, OH, United States

Tasha is not absent. She is giving other content creators an oppertunity to be on her platform and to be introduced to hef followers. Bondy is in her own lane and follows her own agenda. She is very intelligent and knows her shit. Give her a chance , I promise once you stop comparing her to TASHAK and see her as an addition, instead,you may like her commontary. Just my 2 cents


Nov 09 at 08:23 PM

Wow, great points Bondy

Great points on Jada and Will. Bondy I love your approach to addressing the bs, also how you respectfully disagreed with Tasha. I think it’s important to point that out bc people want sooooooo bad for y’all to be in competition with each otherπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™


Tasha you asking questions like you work for those alphabet guys…. Lol I would not answer and incriminate my man and fumble my bag

This was dope and funny. Great job

Commented on Go watch!!!

Sep 21 at 06:17 AM

She posted it in the community board…. I hate the sound bites he put on hi IG Page, because it took a lot of what Tasha said out of context and his subs were brutal in the comments. IJS