
Her dad died from anger and she got cancer in the throat from stress she just said she had cancer 14 years but her son didn’t see her sick. I’m sick of these scammers trying to see to Tashak followers. The lady couldn’t name her cancer symptoms besides nightmares and loss of appetite. Let me tell you now I know people who had cancer you feel like you are dying and can’t walk wake up everything. And I hope she realizes if she had cancer in 2014 she had it during those pregnancies the first one was 1994 how she have all those kids with thyroid and breast cancer.

I’m confused and I think she making alot of this up. I think the truth is half and half because she doesn’t stay consistent on the age of when events happened. Then she pulled a book then I’m like oh okay. One minute she didn’t want to see them then she was in the delivery room. I think she is assuming who her father is

Cause of death, anger?

This clearly a fan. Making shit up and waiting our time.

I hope he knows squirting is piss

That’s an old picture of him and his ex. Don’t post anymore


Every time she says you know. I’m donating to the Cardi fund 😂

This woman said ‘you know 219 times during this interview’

Mya Jenkins so for the slow people in the front. If u sign up to be pumped how do you think you are going to be treated? Like a princess?

Yoshi no I was distracted by it