Carolyn V Wilson

Right on time

Replied on MALIA (uncut)

Aug 29 at 10:18 AM

Cause she can fight, that’s it’s. The other girls don’t want to go up against her.


Aug 28 at 07:14 PM

I don’t think it was said how old Ace was? All of them sounded rehearsed there words was the same. Is there anyone else in the group older then 34. So far from what I gathered, none of them has studied much, other then Ace who has traveled and gained a lot of knowledge, his whole thing is that he never heard a BLACK MAN call himself Master Tearcher. So much to say, but I will stop.

Commented on MAMA IYA (uncut)

Aug 28 at 07:05 PM

I don’t think any of them ever read the Bible or study the Bible or anything else that’s out there. So far of all of them she is the oldest. Don’t know how old Ace is. But all she has said if she had done a little African studies she could have found out a lot of what she spoke of.

Commented on MAMA IYA (uncut)

Aug 28 at 01:38 PM


Commented on EFERU (uncut)

Aug 28 at 01:17 PM

I am out of words

Commented on ZOCA (uncut)

Aug 28 at 12:46 PM

Now she is a leader, very strong. She could go heads up with the guys.

Commented on ZOCA (uncut)

Aug 28 at 12:36 PM

Aries, I related to some of what she said by having someone in my family who thought somewhat like her (dismissing information, only keeping what they thought they needed.) I actually like her.

Commented on LOYAL (uncut)

Aug 28 at 11:58 AM

What man don’t believe in polygyny.

Commented on JAX (uncut)

Aug 28 at 11:44 AM

Polygyny that’s given your energy to other people and the wrong person. The men main energy is music and communication. They have there speech totally rehearsed. Word for word.