
What's in the dissertation going on? Wow, the hypocrisy of it all. Well, cardi can hire her gang member male friends to attack, harass, cause harm to those poor women, publish obscene revenge videos of Akbar, and curse people, dead mothers, and kids, call African Queens roaches but she gets a pass. That pitiful
Did bishop say trauma. Is he blaming Larry for that supposedly attack. This bishop is trolling. Larry should counter sue his $ss.
He is upset that he got caught scamming now he is in his feelings suing.
Bishop Whitehead is a man of gold not God come on now😜


Sep 23 at 01:32 AM

Hey Tk, just thinking of you. This past week has been a trying time for you. Keep your head up and continue the things that you love. You are a significant force on youtube, and they have been trying to bring you down, including cardiovascular bronchitis, which they failed to do—the reason behind the bitterness and shenanigans. I know that if God is for us, nothing can be against us. Remember, nobody can ever bring you down.

Lot of love


Commented on Queen Elizabeth

Sep 09 at 04:14 AM

That monarchy is done I don't see them earning the same respect as Charles being the new leader. Elizabeth was the glue to that mafia organization.

Commented on Tasha

Aug 26 at 05:45 AM

Wiley is doing too much and had been very shady lately.
I’m not sure how to feel about that brotha Christian. Pete looks like his on crack.The Sherrie Shepherd commentary was spot on. Kevin Federline takes the L.

Jul 22 at 03:32 AM

Is that a mega pint. 😂