S Breezyyy ❤️‍🔥


I'm sorry, but that is one fine specimen right fucking there... 🥵


😆😆😆😆- saved for personal use ❤️💚


Thank you. I been reiterating her sentiments to MFs all around the globe and they don't believe me most the time... til I pull the shit up on handyyy dandy-- YouTube. Then they always got 1 of 2 ways they turn that shit --

1. It's some sappy ass line like "Well I'm sure she's grown as a person, and we can't hold every dumb thing a person says against them." 


2. They go with the "I'm sure she was just joking around" bullshit. Like nooooo she was DEAD serious, and I honestly can't believe how bold the bitches' entitlement was.


OOOH MY FUCKING GGUUUADDDD best shit I seen all year. 😂


I'm calling Kyle ass Corey for today because it's easier to keep it straight lol

mimi Huh? You said "So it's Chris?" and I was just saying no it's not Chris.... It's Corey 😫😫


Lol no it is Corey- from 'That's So Raven' - on Disney Channel - being charged 😫😫...


Wonder Mom Right! Also, reading between them blurred lines, it's my humble opinion she may have LITTERALLY burned all her bridges at that 🤦🏽‍♀️; all we can do is pray.....