
I want to thank you for All of your comments. I didn’t learn about him until he was arrested.
Tasha you forgot the glasses 👓 for the Creflo bit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Great live 😍😍😍😍😍
Tasha put this on YouTube this needs to go viral. This has to be shared. This will go National. Cora it’s over. I suffered from depression after the birth of my 1st child. My mother and grandmother kept my son while I got help. He came back home to me 24/7 before he turned 1. This story breaks my heart.
Wow. Great interview and I believe it all. I’m now watching live for the first time and just wow.
I’m a new Wino 6 months and I went to the 12 tier because I don’t want to miss any wine you’re pouring. I love you and will support.