Y’all did a great job reading those text messages. We have to do this again. Now, she was in love with that man. 5 damn years of what?! She went through all that for some D and 3500 dollars? My count could be off because I was driving. But still. She really thought they had something. However, he only called when he was ready for some tail. Just wow. She was in a relationship with her phone, period. I feel sorry for the wife, these two F them both.
Just Wow! Thank you Tray for speaking your Truth, that you Tasha K for giving him a platform! My continued prayers for Tray and his family. 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷💜💜💜💜💜🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I agree and disagree with your post. I’m 54 and menopausal. I started at 50 you’re correct it’s harder to lose weight. However if you continue to eat healthy/clean you will maintain/lose. To date I’ve lose 110lbs. I still have 15 more pounds to lose per my doctor. I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been in my life. I do a light/moderate workouts 4 days a week.
46:26 min mark and her son told her what happened to him and she still went back! If I were her son I would think that she didn’t believe me as well. This mother failed her child. Wow, I’m pissed. Let me take a break before I go any further. Just freaking WOW!
Commented on Part 2 | Unykue Foucha Drops phone recordings of Rocky Bivens
Apr 07 at 09:38 PM