I’m coming alone. Got my ticket. I’m so excited to meet Tasha and Winos. Love y’all
Jun 11 at 05:21 PM
I’m coming alone. Got my ticket. I’m so excited to meet Tasha and Winos. Love y’all
Jan 24 at 04:47 PM
I told my husband that I’m done with meat. I feel so good, my skin is glowing, my sleep is better, I have so much energy that’s it driving him crazy 🤣🤣🤣, the bloating is leaving. Tasha I want thank you so much for helping me change my life. You’re never too old to do something new and I’m 54. Love you Winos!!
Jan 24 at 11:30 AM
Jan 19 at 02:01 PM
Tasha, I hope this is ok to post. If not my apologies. This is a free help that will help with our fasting that will start soon. It’s called Zero and it’s FREE99, lol. Oh, and don’t pay attention to the last time I fasted, lol.
Jan 18 at 03:21 PM
Still going strong. I’m about to have my tea and also set for work. My job had a lunch and I ate my Chia seeds with fruit, so good and very filling 😋. We got this Winos, love y’all 🥰🥰🥰
Jan 16 at 01:39 PM
Beets, sweet potato, red bell pepper, and carrots. It’s so darn Good. I bought a juicer a couple of weeks ago. We got this Winos, Let’s Go!
Nov 18 at 12:25 PM
Shonuff came into work with my hoodie on, and I can’t wait to say when I leave. Loving my Hoodie. Can’t wait to see you all later 🍷🍷🍷🍷🥰🥰🥰