
Oct 13 at 08:25 PM

Yea she needs help. Then she’s going to be complaining about an eating disorder.


Oct 12 at 03:16 AM

Nelly 😆

Maybe I’m different but he’s not cute. Neither of them and gurl you were a girlfriend not a wife. And stop grifting to black woman.

Is that last girl okay.

Yall love idols


Oct 11 at 04:26 PM

Did they run that check tho.


Commented on 💅🏾

Oct 11 at 04:25 PM

She ain’t going to stay that long. Just enough to get what she needs. She needs to put some meat on that back if she wants to carry the boobs

Oct 11 at 04:23 PM


Drake always sounds like he’s crying. The young kids like that tho. That’s medley to them and Rihana ain’t gon call no man out.

Commented on Ummm ok

Oct 08 at 02:42 PM

So in her marriage she wasn’t servicing her husband. Does she want a woman.



Oct 07 at 08:36 PM

😆. What lies bitch you just being stupid. Go act or something.