January 29, 2023

I'm breaking my fast with my two favorite juices that i drank throughout this whole detox journey! What a new out look on life I have after this detox! From now on I will be incorporating intermittent fasting in my daily routine. I will fluctuate between doing 18:6 and 20:4 intermittent fasting. I'm not at a point where I can completely cut out meat or carbs but I can definitely live a more plant based life that's for sure. And build a healthy relationship with food. During this detox I started at 150.0lbs and now I am down to 141.1lbs. Almost 10lbs! I never lost this much weight in such a short amount of time especially after having a baby 6mths ago. Congratulations to all the winos who tried the Detox!! WE DID IT Y'ALL!🩵😁