January 25, 2023

Y’all I just wanted to share that my BP has reduced greatly. My BP has been as high as (153/108) for quite some time. About 6 months ago I finally allowed myself to start taking the BP meds to help lower it. Everyone was telling me how I could die if I didn’t get it under control. I didn’t want to take them because yeah it may reduce the BP but what other ailments would they cause. Although the meds did lower it, I still wasn’t in the 120/80 range. And I refused to go to a higher dosage. I knew I didn’t want to be dependent on them.

I’m pleased to report that for the past two days I haven’t taken those meds, and my BP has been like 106/76 or 112/83 🙌🙌🙌( I notice when I have my arm raised over my heart when I take it, it’s lower) ❤️❤️❤️ In addition to the weight loss I’ve experienced and the health improvements I’m beyond excited, appreciative of all you guys for walking this journey together ❤️❤️❤️