January 28, 2023

1st are you getting the H2o in💧💦💧. Remember we are at 23 hours today so water and prayer are your best friends today and tomorrow.

Ok so things that have happened:

I slept in this morning. Yay!!! Sleeping in was waking up at 6:27am.

I am mentally less annoyed about waking up with God in the mornings.

I am not moving enough after i eat so in the morning i am having a huge bowel movement first thing. So now i know i need about 15 mins or so of movement so i can maybe take one at night before bed.

I get on the scale first thing in the morning after the above. The scale said 285.5. That’s another 4 or 5 lbs down.

I have now lost at total of 20lbs from the detox alone!!!!

This is a BIG ONE!!! THE VITAMINS B12 and D3 are making me MORE HUNGRY!!!! So i am going to switch when i fast to not taking my vitamins until two hours prior to breaking the fast. So for anyone experiencing major hungry try switching the time of your vitamins.

As far as my hormones. I have been kind to my body giving it plenty of rest. I have meditate and practiced breathing every morning. I use my heating pad so cramping during my cycle has been at a level 2 or 3 instead of a 10+. Also NO HORMONAL ACNE!!!

And finally, when i break my fast, my mind says you are going to eat the ENTIRE refrigerator. But my stomach says Bitch no your not. I get to break with some fruit, 1 smoothie, a bowl of veggies (which by the way i have just started mixing all my leftovers into a bowl and eating them. Don’t judge), and a handful of nuts and no sugar added cranberries for dessert. And that’s it. I stopped eating 30 mins before it was time because i just can’t eat anymore.

I know this was a long post but i hope that this helps for people who are starting the detox in the future or are in the middle of their detox or if anyone was having these experiences, know that you aren’t alone.

Love you guys!!! We are crushing this thang and i am soooo proud of us!!!
