September 25, 2023

Tasha!!!!! Joe Budden does High yellow nigga shit and thIs is it at its finest! I’m sorry Poo, but what we not going to do is second guess ourselves. You are lead Tasha by a higher authority , and that’s who you answer to! Everyone is going to have an opinion or something to say and it hits different now cause the times and people are different. People are being used by the spirit and don’t even realize what’s happening until it’s over and they are all fucked up. Stay in your lane. You got this and God got you. Fuck dem folks with the thin skin. You win Tasha and it I’d because you want to see others win. The fuck shit will always be there , but so will Tasha K. Remember God hand picked you to do this job, that nigga never Said it was going to be easy. Shoulders back, please allow me to straighten your Crown. Now on you go Queen to continue the Lordths work!!!