December 13, 2022

This is the real work! I enjoy the giggles, the sips, and the clinking of the wine glasses but this touches my heart. Because of Tasha and her Team Jessica was able to get her story out and I believe that's all she wanted. I believe she just wanted to be heard...that was part of her healing journey.

But, she can't heal if Charlemagne keeps speaking on it and so I feel she had no other choice but to hold him and all of his enablers accountable. He forced her hand. Had he apologized years ago to Jessica and made it right with her in private, I feel she would've been okay with that. I feel like that's all she wanted him to do was take responsibility and accountability....I can't speak for her but because it took her this long to sue him... she could've sued him a long time ago if she just wanted money, so I don't believe that's what she wants. It's not about money, not in my opinion. I just think he played in her face long enough. And she's sick and tired of being sick and tired.


🍷 🐐