Foxey Ladee

Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

I'm just plain ole crazy, sexy cool 😎

After listening to them I felt after awhile that they had to be working together as well, because I know people have keen memories but her shhh was remembered to the note like a movie script. Loving their family tie


She gives me your favorite Cousin energy. Loving the growth from her 💕

Love the dress... it's good to change it up some times


I like them. This was very informative BUT!!!! If there's two dicks in the bed, that's two men in my opinion rather the dick is tucked or not. However, the purpose of the act of sex is to release the pressure. So, that has to be stressful after awhile because there is no other way to let go.


Say THAT SHHHIT with YOOO CHEST Tasha!!!!💪


This is the reason I FUCCzz with you Tasha. Just from knowing your stuff and not apologizing to NOBODY!! When you share wisdom I love it! Keep it coming Lil Sis 💕

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I'm hollering


Tasha love the background. You have to hit my fiance' and I up about helping out with the green screen. Love it tho 🥰