Foxey Ladee

Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

I'm just plain ole crazy, sexy cool 😎

Hazel E is that adopted Lil Cousin that you just love her vibe. Live energy! 🥰

She is seeking do desperately for his attention to me. People that talk like that in "run on" sentences don't want to be corrected nor interrupted, only heard. She shifted the questions on sooo many occasions. She puts me in a mind of the lady that claims she's not Nasty Nesto's side chick. These women tend to think that they're really a factor in these ravenous men that just want opportunities to get as much sex as they can. Her interview was so exhausting 😩

Now, that's what I call a Homie 🙌

I have to add one more comment to say about skinny head. Why is she more passionate about only talking to "him" instead of "them"? A friend would be a friend to the couple not just the husband. The smug demeanor she displays just reeks "side chickness" energy. Not one conversation I could hear in favor of the alleged victims or Shirley. It really bothers me when women like her are only centered around what the man tells her. She wasn't there to be able to co-sign on exactly what happened. In her words, she's only "speculating".

First of ALLLLLLLLLLL..SHE said he doesn't discussed his his personal business with her but that's ALL she has been talking about is personal business! She is ALL over the planet with her answers and very evasive when asked direct questions about her and him. I get being a friend but she's only his friend. Why does she know so much about his day to living? Miss Thang only meet him (she claims) 👋 times but on the jail call it did not sound like that PERIOD! Liar!