Sarah Silver

KMAC I did.... but don't believe 100% of what none of them say......

KMAC now....... when it was necessary he wasn't there......damage is done now

Clarence Freeman that's possible if she didn't open her eyes....


No, you too Clearance..... everytime you went to prison she was violated.....Why didn't you take custody from the mom if you knew she was crazy when the kids were babies???? Why did you put yourself in situations to go to prison?? Why leave your children in the care of a psychopath??

It is his fault..... this is why you don't create broken homes nor go to prison......had he been there maybe she wouldn't have been molested....

Is clearance crazy??? His son's wife family found out this family is fckd up....YES, I'D TELL MY CHILD TO RUN LIKE HELL away from that family and take the kids too and don't look back

Damn.......Chantel's parents dropped the ball with their children in a massive way.....

The scary part is I literally just watched a news episode about a 16yr old who was murdered by her uncle who had molested her.....The uncle was very believable and very convincing.....had iron clad alibis.....he was only caught because he told his brother what he had done and his brother told the detectives......


It's possible for Chantel to have been forced to give head and not recall what it looks like........