My mouth wide open & eye balls 👀 finna pop out….. kitta Rose spilled more than wine 🍷 baby….. she clearly telling her truth for her life safety at this point…. Fuck it…. KittaRose doing the right thing she answered every question TashaK had and gave more detail…. I believe Kitta…. I just got to pick my mouth up off the floor and hate that she has a soft spot for her abuser employer but yet doing the right thing by speaking out about the issues….. wow 🤯 TashaK wild for this movie 😂😂😂😂 if payback was a person it would be TashaK 😂😂😂😂
Commented on Trigger Warning| My Daughter Accused Me of Sleeping with Her Boyfriend | “ He Chose Me & Not You!”
Mar 04 at 06:54 PM
Excellent work TashaK 🍷 God I got chills and so happy I got to hear the entire interview vs the online social media clip…. God bless that sista 💖💖💖