lissa white

I don’t care what no one says crack cocaine ruined black families & communities…. Kids born in late 1970’s to early 1990’s greatly impacted by the crack cocaine epidemic in black communities and now that we are grown smh and these kids out here doing crazy things have no idea what we survived but she cool and love 💕 seeing sistas doing good who had it rough as a child and teenager


TashaK I like this interview job well done she cool and positive energy

TashaK I like how you called her out for using nigga and let’s be real the little girl or 30+ year old woman who still wants to be in her 20’s smh was meaning black men every time she used the word nigga. She not my type of hoe 😂 I like them black hood ghetto ans book 📚 smart she copying the black girls but think she better but that’s the norm all these mix ambiguous mixed races think 🤔 because they lite/white the men want them if they below a 10 it like huh 🤔 girl quit playing but she wrote a books got a retreat coming up in Puerto Rico but she look like she from Mexico and they definitely racist there and in Spain, Columbia Cuba do not like when their girls bring a black man home to marry they don’t like that their families don’t in 2023 as we go into 2024

TashaK good interview his ass fucked around an got drunk but I still think 🤔 he is a hot head and still to this day do not like how he treated Toya Wright on Love & Marriage Bootcamp whether the show producers said so x-y-r he was toooooo confrontational with her regardless if she was trying to save face on tv 📺 or carrying what others thought about her giving her man a hall pass if she changed her mind she changed her mind if she was lying she was lying but his reaction was too aggressive for me and I think he had to remember Toya has a gangster ex-husband and brothers that would fuck him up before one of them got murdered but he came off nice and likable and it’s clear KMichelle was jealous and hurt I just hope he get sex therapy as a lot of our black boys 15yra old to 55years old could use sex therapy instead of fucking constantly smh and getting HIV & STDs

Cool interview and I liked her rap. Good 👍 luck sis

Celina Powell reminds me of KatStacks, SuperHead and so many other ole hoez just hope she gets out before the men eat her up and take her youth

Commented on Coming Soon!

Dec 02 at 10:14 PM

Wait I’m confused Celine interview isn’t out for us to watch?
