V Latrice

Jan 24 at 08:04 PM

That’s first day was very hard to find energy for workout. I just did a 15 min walk that day. Walking has been good for me

Commented on My Goodness

Jan 24 at 08:00 PM

Looks good 😋

Commented on Transparency moment

Jan 20 at 02:06 PM

Love this thank you

Jan 20 at 02:02 PM

Proud of you for staying the course 💪🏾

Jan 20 at 01:58 PM

Thanks for sharing. Sounds divine!

Commented on Day 5!

Jan 20 at 01:46 PM

I feel great. Sleep has been amazing and I wake up feel refreshed

Replied on Afternoon snack

Jan 18 at 08:57 PM

Thanks I’ll try that. I did feel better after getting more water in

Commented on Day 1

Jan 18 at 03:41 PM

Love that your husband is onboard with you!

Commented on Day 2 - Dinner

Jan 18 at 03:38 PM

Will be using this! Thanks!

Commented on 2.8lbs in 2 days

Jan 18 at 03:25 PM

That’s great!