Mariah G

Tasha I think it’s important to remember that you are not a health nor medical professional. You’re using things that were said by others (no proof provided) to dispute what she’s saying. None of them provided proof of what they’re saying. You’re using your past experiences to say what is/isn’t possible; everyone is different. It’s easy to analyze these situations but logic and reason don’t always apply. You’re not trained nor equipped to analyze any of this. I know multiple ppl that should be locked up for child abuse that are roaming free. Provide the platform for ppl to speak but leave the analysis to the professionals.

Jan 27 at 02:25 PM

Definitely! Thank you!


Jan 27 at 12:33 AM

This is in relation to what was said regarding Pastor Carey Conner and Dr. Karri tonight. Pastor C is my daughter's grandfather. When I met his son, he told me that his dad dated Karri but never told me that it was while he was married to Bridgett (his ex wife). He told me that his dad lied about cheating with Tiff (current wife) and has allegedly cheated on her since they've been together. I dismissed the info at the time because it had nothing to do with me. What I can say is like father like son. Pastor C's son, TraShawn Brown, has not seen our daughter since her first birthday (she's almost 3). He changed his number and has had his family, friends, and friends of friends block me on social media. I'm even blocked from the church's pages. They've been trying to conceal the fact that he cheated on his wife and had a child with me. I live in a completely different state so there were a lot of things that I didn't find out until after I got pregnant. TraShawn is now remarried to another woman he cheated with (in the church) before me. He cut us off once he went public with her and is now playing stepdad to her kids. I thought about posting or reaching out to Tasha plenty of times out of hurt and anger but I'm healed now and life is great for us over here. I just hate that he isn't being held accountable and neither is his dad. They cheat on their wives and stand in the pulpit every Sunday with no remorse. It's sickening. Then he’s nearly $15k behind in child support and just won’t pay. There's a lot more to the story. Fellow Winos, let me know if y'all wanna light his a** up in his comments lol; he preaches on Youtube under the page The Relevant Brand, which can also be found on FB. From there you can get to his personal page.


Commented on PART THREE - The Tribe

Jul 25 at 07:24 PM

She said that diseases are a state of mind??? Bacteria causes infection and untreated infections lead to diseases. It doesn’t matter if YOU only have one partner. If that person has multiple partners, it’s like you’re all sleeping together.