
Clarence Freeman Trying to say I ever had your nasty ass or wanted you is your sick ego kicking in. Even now, all you can think about is what women in this chat wants your retarded ass, had your retarded washed up ass, or may have been hurt by your dumb ass. Take a seat Clarence….several seats, and don’t stand your pathetic sorry ass up until you get permission. You can’t be trusted even in this chat. BTW: When were you absent? Weren’t you locked up???? OR did you forget …..just like you seem to have forgotten about sexually molesting your own daughter? I want ANSWERS!! We talking, right?


Clarence Freeman First of all, your daughter would have been better off hidden from your freaky, nasty, perverted ass. I have no respect for you and just because you managed to fool everybody in the system, that doesn’t mean what that girl said didn’t happen. Tasha can bring 100 more people on to vouch for you, it makes no difference to me. What you did to that girl was done with only you and her in the room. Many times, people thought a person was a “sweet loving Clarence like yourself only to find out he was really the Devil in the flesh like yourself.” You know your ass is guilty. That’s why you’re running around this chat trying to put one fire out after another. News Flash! The flame is getting bigger because more and more people are seeing your slutty nasty ass for who you really are. I see you Clarence. That’s why I’m not holding back on you. I said it before and I’ll say it a million times. I BELIEVE YOU TOUCHED THAT GIRL!


Clarence Freeman Listen Trick, I promise you I don’t know you and even if I had met your simple ass, I would not have dealt with you. Yes, I am mad that you are a player because your nasty ass is still playing games. There is no way all those women would have fell for your whorish ass unless you were lying to them just like you’re lying to Tasha and in this chat. You are a crafty asshole though. You blindfolded that baby so she could not describe that nasty thing you were sticking in her mouth and when she was older, you had the room pitch black so she still couldn’t describe it other than it felt like a lot of nasty skin in her mouth. You sex-craved animal. With all the men/boys in the house f**king her and a docile wife who knew her husband would f**k a whole in the wall if he could, how could that child win!? Answer me Trick, since you want to dialog with me so bad!


She lived with Dad at 5 but he went to prison and they lived with him again when he got out. She was around 9 when he went to prison and around 11 when he got out.

I don’t remember what my abuser was wearing and I don’t remember what I was wearing either but that does not negate the fact that he sexually abused me. My story is different from Chantel’s in that I told no one, not because I feared they wouldn’t believe me. I didn’t tell because I knew, even at 10 years old, that the day I told anyone in my family what that man did to me, that by the end of that very day either he would be dead or someone in my family would be dead because they definitely were going to get with him about it. No questions asked. I was afraid it would be one of my family members on the losing end and the beef would continue because my family would have kept coming for him nonstop.


Wine&Unwind I never said date of birth was insignificant.


Yeah Clarence, I am angry about the 1000 women you slayed because you can’t have 17 babies by 13 different women and tell me that they are all good. You are delusional at best. BTW: two things can be true at the same time. Chantel is a big liar And you touched her and I believe both. Her lying is a symptom of her mental illness.


Celest Clarence, you better stop talking to me because every time you say something to me, I’m gonna READ your ass like a first grade book, since you say I can’t read.


Clarence Freeman Clarence, talk that shit to the monkey in the bush! I don’t want to hear your slick ass say another word. How could you have been there when your ass was in prison some of the time? GOH with that smooth talking BS. I see right through you. I don’t know you, but I definitely know your kind. Therapy here and there does a mentally disturbed individual no good. You should have nourished her mental health as a little girl, but no… you were busy getting busy with her. Cover your mouth in shame. You have nothing to be proud of because I’ll bet a dollar to a donut that if we got close enough to your other children, they too would have a lot to say about your sleezy behind.


Clarence Freeman Clarence, you ABSOLUTELY hurt my feelings when out of the thousand women you slept with, they weren’t enough. You had to mess with your innocent daughter. I don’t care how screwed up in the head she was when you got custody of her, from all of her previous abuses, you should have put her in long-term therapy until she was 18, and kept your distance from her as a man, and maintained a fatherly role towards her. Don’t be sorry, just stop condemning your daughter and try apologizing to her, not only for what you did to her but also for what you should have done FOR her. Oh, and I’m “stupid!?” No negro, you’re STUPID for thinking all of us believe you’ve been a hero here!
