Mar 21 at 06:25 PM

Tisa Tells


Clarence Freeman I didn't read all of your comments to me, but I'll end it by saying that I wish u all the best. This isn't easy for any of u & it's hard to watch too.


Clarence Freeman the more I listen to the interviews & read the comments, I struggle to believe either story 100% & that's ok, because I wasn't present during all of your family's traumatic events with Chantel. Sir, u don't have to come off so harsh with us when u know we're going to have questions. You say u came on here to defend your son, so u opened yourself up to more scrutiny AND support. I'm sure many of us can relate to having a wayward adult child & wanting to protect then at all costs, but when u told us about some of the illegal & abusive things she's done, especially to her own child, she needed to be arrested & sentenced to a number of years because she's now become what she claims u did, but with the knife to her back. That's still abuse & violating her little innocent body. Your granddaughter doesn't deserve that & I really think Chantel needs jail time or ordered to go into inpatient mental health therapy. Those places can be hell, but she needs help NOW!


I remember the smell & my ex boyfriend asked me why I was so good at it. I can't even open up completely about it yet. This has triggered some old memories that I thought were buried as deep as their bodies. This is why it's hard for me to believe either side 100%.


This story is spreading so fast on social media. If she is lying, she can be sued by her father & brother. They way life is now, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole family is in on this story for a payout. My emotions are all over the place

If she's lying, she graduated from Legion University


So, I'm watching this interview. I commented on Part 3 after I watched him & Kalilah. I don't want to believe he did any of those SA things, but he was arrested for bodily harm to a child, DV & battery. I don't know if the latter 2 were towards an adult. I hope he didn't do anything to her

I thought something was off about him after I watched it when he sat down with Kalilah the last time, so I did a little digging. He's been arrested for various offenses to include, cruelty toward a child, DV & battery. The latter may be towards an adult. I know that doesn't mean he did what Chantel said he did either. I really hope he didn't.

When my son dragged me thru hell when it's his dad that abandoned him, he took all that hurt out on me because I was the safe parent that was always present & willing to do whatever I could to care for & love him. I had to go to therapy behind that child of mine, but I had to....he needed me. However, my therapist told me to let him go, because the stress put me in the hospital & my elderly mom had to come help me. He's better now, but I still have some anxiety about it.


Clarence Freeman I've heard some horrible stories, some true & some not. The ones that were proven false by the admission of the supposed victim hit me deeper than anything, because I couldn't ever believe how a person (especially a child) could even imagine such things. Someone hurt your daughter, but I don't believe it was u. If for some reason there's proof that u are a predator, then you'll get handle, so sit back & relax for a change. We got this!
