
Commented on Stir fry veggies

Jan 16 at 10:06 PM

Yes! This looks so good

Commented on My Lunch

Jan 16 at 03:17 PM

I was wondering if I could have chickpeas or beans

Jan 16 at 02:25 PM

You got this!


Jan 16 at 02:24 PM

1 / 3
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3 / 3

Breakfast - Smoothie ( 1 carrot, 1 cup spinach, 1/2 banana, 1/2 mango & water)

Lunch - small baked sweet potato, w/ cinnamon & nutmeg paired with 3/4 cup cucumbers w/lemon juice, green onions & Mrs. Dash


Commented on Detox Ready

Jan 16 at 11:54 AM

You gotta a nice spread! I’d like to taste a smoothie with squash and zucchini

Commented on Ginger Turmeric shot

Jan 16 at 11:50 AM

Thanks I’d like to try this

Jan 16 at 11:31 AM

I made breakfast smoothie with water, spinach, mango, carrot, and 1/2 banana - it was delicious 😋


Jan 16 at 09:34 AM

1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5

Y’all I’m so excited to be a part of this challenge with each of you. I will do this and I will complete it no matter what! I’ve started my day by weighing myself, doing my body measurements, and taking my “before” pics. I’m just now enjoying this bitter cup of black coffee but the more I sip the more I find it to not be “that bad”🤣🤣🤣. Water bottle filled✅, Day planner is in progress, next up Breakfast smoothie, then a jump rope workout- will post more pics of this journey along the way👋🏽❤️❤️

I absolutely love this app and all the content! Much love to everyone who makes this possible❤️

Jan 13 at 01:44 PM

Can’t wait!