
Feb 06 at 02:37 PM

Yes, glad to have you onboard!

Commented on Detox Day 6

Feb 06 at 02:19 PM

I understand how you feel but there are tons of food you can cook and enjoy. So many veggies to choose from. Since the first detox I have a newfound respect for mushrooms, cabbage, green beans onions chicken peas black beans etc etc etc. Add some garlic powder and other no salt spices, use lemon or ACV to season - But you got this, I use Pinterest to find recipes-


Feb 06 at 02:06 PM

After breakfast I’m jumping rope and doing a strength workout 🏋️

Green smoothie w/ oatmeal, power greens, 1/2 banana, strawberry, and water


Commented on 23hr Fast

Feb 06 at 12:11 PM

Great job, you’re almost at the finish line👏👏👏

Commented on It's still OK

Feb 06 at 12:10 PM

🙏🙏I hope all is well with you.


Feb 06 at 10:55 AM

Today marks Day 1 of my Detox. Body weight and measurements ✅

I’m tweaking my approach in fasting for 16 hours for day 1 - 8. Breakfast at 1 pm today✅

Still drinking H2O still eating my fruit and veggies - meals already prepped✅

This week I’ll be having smoothies to break my fast, and alternate between these veggies bowl ( roasted broccoli, sweet potato, chickpeas, green and red bell peppers, pesto, and 1/4 cup brown rice) and salad.


Commented on Round 2 starts today

Feb 06 at 10:42 AM

I’ve restarted mine but I’m tweaking my approach

Commented on Day 3

Feb 04 at 01:34 PM

Basic fruit and veggies, raw preferred but if cooking the veggies make sure to leave some crunch ( we want those nutrients) no salt/ no sweetener of any kind. Smoothies are great, raw nuts only - no potatoes- and mrs. Dash is my new friend. Keep it simple and you’ll do great- Drink plenty of water…We’re here with you- I’ll be starting over on Monday💪🏽❤️

Feb 04 at 01:29 PM

I’m starting the detox over too on Monday Feb 6th

Feb 04 at 01:28 PM

I loved the “white wine” too! Hilarious and a damn shame at the same time😆