Juanita Cummings


Wow. Since you saw her FB live, could you please share her info with those of us who aren’t sitting back judging her for having a cheap drink and actually wanna donate to her? I personally could care less what she does with my donation as long as I’ve done part with a pure spirit.


That’s what I wanna know as well.


She didn’t say she was any better than the other girl. All these young women are looking for is an opportunity. If you feel so bad for her, then how about you help her like I plan on doing.


Oh hell nawl! This just made me mad 😡. I just lost an hour and a half of my life that I can’t get back only to research what happened? Nope 👎🏽. How is she an “upfront person” but left us hanging?!

Hey Winos! Hey TK and Team, welcome back! 🎉

Funny Story: Sooo…How about while you were out, I was awake in the middle of the night scrolling down my YouTube timeline and quite naturally your content is in my notifications right? So I click on one of them and why were the people from Japan wildin’ out in the comments just like you said! Wellll, since I couldn’t sleep and I was pms’ing, I had time for the bs that night. When I tell you I jumped into those comments and was ripping them to shreds, lol 😂!!! I’ve NEVER been a troll and I very rarely comment, oh but babyyee! When I tell y’all I was bullying the bullies (which isn’t like me at all) I was on there talking trash and hitting them with so many facts, that I honestly couldn’t stop laughing 😂! Who knew how much fun it can be to release all of my hormonal energy in such a manner?! I definitely felt better afterwards 🤷🏽‍♀️I was probably going off on bots, but I couldn’t care less because it was definitely a stress reliever! Heck, I was so enlightened that I’ve been considering volunteering a portion of my time to catching pedophiles who solicit underage young blk girls and boys. Thank you TK for not only keeping us entertained, but for also keeping us updated on current events that are of a serious nature, yet keeping it light while doing so. 🍷


TASHAK’s back!!!🎉🎉🎉 Bondy did an excellent job holding things down! She gave amazing energy! That check you paid her most definitely cleared, lol 😂 I want Bondy to sing in my wedding next year. Hopefully she won’t charge me as much as she charged you since it’s a destination wedding on the clear sandy island beaches and all. 🤷🏽‍♀️


She was still very well put together. She looked very nice and like a lady.


Nervous and perhaps on “meds.” I feel sorry for her honestly.