Juanita Cummings

It’s giving addiction, which isn’t funny. It’s sad and cringey af to watch.


Kimberly Shamberger It was the girl who came straight from surgery in that pink robe. The girl actually admitted it! She said she had just taken a 30 mg perk! Like what??!! TK made her sign a waiver.


She gave me nervous energy vibes before she got there to loosen up for the camera. I believe that 40% of her story was accurate. You just had to decipher it because she appears inibriated and is all over the place with her story. However, it goes like this. Her and her ex were youngish, broke and desperate. Let’s not pretend it wasn’t the ish to be at a Diddy party back in the day. Clearly she and her ex fit the bill. She slipped up and contradicted herself when she initially said that her very first gig was at the white party in the Hamptons. She later said that it was in Miami. She also said both places. She did it willingly which are her words. Here’s what’s sad imo. She was paid to dance right? That’s a JOB. Get paid and get a W-2! I can’t blame naivety at 26 years old, because she should have already been a college graduate by that age. It’s sad because she ALLOWED herself to be slutted out for a few bucks all in the name of wanting to party with “Diddy” n them. Smh.


Autumn I think all of it looks a mess. However, to each its own 🤷🏽‍♀️ Enjoy your weekend sis! 😊


Autumn I’m actually VERY cultured. I don’t wear fake jewelry and I’m very familiar with the brands. It’s not about the brand labels for me as I’m not impressed by them. I’m financially secure and don’t need to look as if I’m omw to a nightclub in the late 90’s/00’s. It’s not “what” you wear, it’s HOW you wear it! Only someone who lacks a high level of intellect would insult themselves by saying that she’s wearing “white woman” jewelry! Since when did jewelry become associated with race??!! That’s an extremely ignorant ass statement! Your statement infers that only white women can afford expensive jewelry. Smdh 😒 Which couldn’t be further from the truth. Have you ever heard of modesty?! When I wear my really good pieces, I’m not wearing a million and one pieces of them looking straight up classless. I prefer not to “wear” money, as I’d rather see how my stocks are doing, looking at how much interest I’ve accumulated in my savings, my 401k’s(plural), my equity, etc! Girl bye 😒


It is, but I love it, lol 😂!!! It’s entertaining and is a form of escapism from my everyday life. At least they’re aren’t any physical altercations going on embarrassing our culture although this isn’t a reality show. I truly enjoy TK’s show and app. All of us are working everyday to live comfortably, but most of us can’t go on vacation regularly. We have our date nights every week and 2-3 vacations a year. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I concur! Dumb and dumber! Smh 🤦🏽‍♀️


I don’t believe Shaunie paid him $50,000. If she actually did do it, idc how much money Shaunie has, she doesn’t have to pay for some good dick!Shaunie isn’t the prettiest woman, but she’s not unattractive. The way she carries herself on TV, very few people will believe him if anyone will at all. She looks good enough to not have to pay his ugly ass! I wish tf I would pay a nigga to fuck me! He sounds ridiculous and his “wife” is aggy af!