Monica Lavington

He gives Norman Bates and Jaguar is definitely his mother. He is highly intelligent and sometimes that comes of to others as weird or crazy. I had an uncle who was highly intelligent like this. Sometimes he would come off as a bit weird, but I used to love listening to him tell stories. I know that he's resting in peace. ❤️

Diamond said that they signed a contract stating that Zeus is not responsible for medical bills or anything pertaining to injury. Those stupid ass chicks are desperate enough to sign a bogus contract like that.


Jul 04 at 07:25 AM

Hell Naw! 😂

May 25 at 08:16 PM

What is this?

What's buysa baby? Nelly is no where near broke. Lol!


Mar 28 at 11:14 AM

Tasha, Lamine has beautiful eyes like yours. I see both parents in your handsome little guy. You guys made beautiful children. 😍

Commented on HOMECOMING

Mar 08 at 08:23 PM

Wow! Tantu is so beautiful! I see both parents but more Tasha. ♥️

Who also beats women. That's why he said what he said.

Jan 22 at 12:47 PM

No worries Tasha. We will be here when you get back. I am a true wino. I'm not on here much, but I've kept my subscription since the beginning. I don't even listen to your haters. I scroll right on pass the bs. 🍷
