Jessica M Rosario

Commented on Who y'all got?

Sep 10 at 09:46 PM



I know she’s been through so much already, but she is an overcomer, in so many ways, which is so inspiring! I’m buying her book regardless, but to hear the details from the actual author, herself, right here on your platform would have been EVERYTHING! It would have been therapeutic for her to speak her truth to someone who is a great listener too. She wasn’t ready today, but I’m hoping she will muster the energy to do so in the near future! 👀 🍷 📖 🙏🏽


Jul 22 at 06:41 PM

About Last Night! 🍷🍷I just loved how Tasha brought our NY peeps to light and made us straight laugh at them😆! Other bloggers don’t do this! I’m a Day 1 wino and the venue was just so organized, food was good, drinks were great and I brought my little sis for the ride with no warning about how us winos get down. #They’reNotLikeUs #LoveYouTasha💖 #YourDeliveryIsEverything! #WishedIHadTimeForAPic😩


May 27 at 11:16 AM

Congratulations to your son! 👏🏽👏🏽🤗🥰 Nothing but blessings to you & the village who helped raise him! Much love, happiness, and success!!! ✨

Commented on Day 1

Jan 24 at 11:54 AM

y yo