Noti Mays

Yoshi In all 4 videos the only proof given from all parties is word of mouth. What documents you seen so I can go rewatch because I was cooking, looking, then listening?


How a person take a blade to a infant back and no one was charged but everyone know? Make it make sense? They all hiding their hands.


The brothers wasn’t raping her they all fondled with each other. Chantel didn’t give two fucks who she gave it up to because she had a high sex drive and giving in to the penis is what she knew since a young child. She was SA while staying with her mom. Once she moved with dad and wifey she proceeded with the sex acts Hide go get it and house are kid games that gave you the opportunity to touch one another… I believe she persuaded he brothers to give into her and they knew it wasn’t right and did it anyways. They knew it was wrong now as adults for all this to come out they are embarrassed and ashamed for doing kid shit ( so they felt). Brother says yes some things happen but we was kids. She says yes I know but dad knew and he too took me as a easy fuck and fucked me. He didn’t give her proper help he only made it worse. Maybe she was rebellious and difficult to handle to receive help but shit the damage was done.. Nobody hand is clean. Chantel dad wifey brothers. They all guilty.


Damn Tasha you should’ve held back a little longer. Should’ve stuck to the time line like you did the other members.