
This negro just said he is praying for her downfall

Melody got coins to make not friends to fake.

Ma’am she had an abortion with their 5th child because she found out the home girl was pregnant too.

What’s tragic is he sent a screen shot of a sex tape that he and Melody made during their marriage. The video only should her giving him head. He said in that text that he conveniently deleted for this interview that he was going to release it.


Since he couldn’t benefit from Suga Mama’s hair line, he had the judge make so their likeness couldn’t be monetized


If someone stolen a large amount of money from you like he did. 17,000 to be exact during a time when businesses was being dissolved due to their pending divorce. I like to see how calm and rational you respond.


Wow. Just wow. Tasha I’m so disappointed in you. That’s all I got.

I’m glad I choose to support your platform! Good content. One I thing I have learned in life is to follow the money