I get what your saying here. I love the concept but I do agree some of the personalities don't mesh well but they are all good creators. However, its new and they are still tweeking somethings. It's some I havent seen yet that i cant wait to see (if we see them.) She used to do panels on a fly and to me it was some of the best shows but then thangs happened😭😭😭but hopefully we will get to see some of them again
Replied on Wine is the new teaI appreciate you s...
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Commented on Coming soon,
Replied on Coming soon,
Mar 01 at 11:39 AM
Hold on now. This comment sent me straight to google chile and omfg. I didn't realize this was that girl. But honestly I do not think there is a motive behind tk interviewing her bc everything Tasha said in the past the world is now seeing for themselves. I do not think there are any further points to be made but thats just me.