
Replied on Coming soon,

Mar 01 at 11:39 AM

Hold on now. This comment sent me straight to google chile and omfg. I didn't realize this was that girl. But honestly I do not think there is a motive behind tk interviewing her bc everything Tasha said in the past the world is now seeing for themselves. I do not think there are any further points to be made but thats just me.

Feb 29 at 01:20 PM

I get what your saying here. I love the concept but I do agree some of the personalities don't mesh well but they are all good creators. However, its new and they are still tweeking somethings. It's some I havent seen yet that i cant wait to see (if we see them.) She used to do panels on a fly and to me it was some of the best shows but then thangs happened😭😭😭but hopefully we will get to see some of them again


Feb 29 at 01:12 PM

God bless your empathetic/ compassionate heart. I only watched the part where her sister was speaking bc I hate seeing Wendy like this and never thought anything that happened to her after her divorce was funny. However, as far as airing the documentary I am not one of the ppl that think they shouldn't have shown her in this light, bc if they hadn't she could've been dead a far more worse than what was shown.

after 13 mins I am done I was only here for tasha anyway😭😭😭😭


Commented on Coming soon,

Feb 26 at 11:02 AM

first of all who is this? and secondly can we ever have a guest that that has a successful long term relationship or marriage bc I am so sick of this narrative from young dumb girls who don't know their worth. And more importantly I am sick of ppl assuming that when you actually have a long term marriage or relationship you are either a woman being cheated on, beaten or our men have some kind of second life we don't know about. There are good men out here a lot of you don't know bc your living in a microwave superficial society

the last 5 mins had me on the floor😭😭😭😭wish I caught this live, I miss you and the winos....I am getting my ish together its this time every year I get too damn busy. oh and 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿for Wine is the new Tea❤️❤️❤️
