Aggie 💫

Jan 25 at 02:13 PM

Congratulations 🎉 my blood pressure has lowered as well.

Jan 25 at 02:11 PM

Congratulations 🎉 my blood pressure has lowered as well.

Jan 25 at 02:11 PM

Congratulations 🎉 my blood pressure has lowered as well.

Commented on Day 8 Broke my fast

Jan 23 at 11:03 AM

Thank you! Last night was my first time juicing. Had it ready and waiting for me because I had a dentist appointment for my daughter first thing in the morning.


Jan 23 at 10:31 AM

Broke my fast with homemade fruit juice. Thankfully my cousin gave me her sharper image juicer that she wasn't using. I used oranges 🍊 strawberries 🍓 apples and mangoes 🥭 taste delicious 😋


Commented on Good morning ❤️

Jan 23 at 10:12 AM

Gm, I'm feeling better as well. I'm remembering so many of my dreams my mind is sharper it's crazy. My poop doesn't have a smell lol

Commented on Day 7

Jan 22 at 10:28 PM

Wow, great results!

Jan 22 at 10:23 PM

Wow looks delicious!

Jan 22 at 10:15 PM

I thought it was just me when I did my days 2-6 I wasn't able to post my comments with pics either. Your spaghetti 🍝 looks delicious like all your food😋

Commented on Water during fasting?

Jan 22 at 07:35 AM

😘Your welcome