Erica anderson

Midland City, AL, United States

I need to see the new food pyramid and what they are teaching kids about nutrition. Where is Michelle Obama when we need her. Her exercise and nutrition plan for kids was on point.
This doctor with her cheap $5 paparazzi necklace (not even the $25 zi collection) and her fading lipstick with the lies. As Naomi’s Campbell said to Coco, “fix your lipstick before you talk to me!” I would sue for this false statement but they covered themselves by saying theory. Did this doctor just use a show the biggest loser as her supporting evidence. She didn’t even cite peer reviewed medical research she used a tv show to talk cold cash shit. Moving along 🍷🍷🍷🔥
Right. Did you see how strange he looked when he did his meet up with storm Monroe and Armon Wiggins. His face was looking hella weird. Cricket face is a very nice term. It looked worse than that 😂

Commented on Winos Check-in

Jan 27 at 12:29 AM

I’m still doing the detox and going strong. I added chlorella and oil of oregano and olive leaf supplements. I deleted all fast food apps from my phone and removed any junk from the refrigerator. My husband has his own little mini fridge where he keeps his snacks and Gatorade to keep me on track. ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Did you see her on blue girls club. Keep in mind she has 11 siblings and a mothet who was in drugs. She knows how to manipulate people and finesse people as well. On BGC she was herself and she’s not innocent. Save your sorry for someone who needs it. She is well aware of what she’s doing. I was never her but I’ve been in situations as well that were very difficult. Luckily I had a strong mother at home with solid values.
I am thankful grateful and blessed to be who I am the way I am. I love myself exactly as I am.
Ikr. Wtf. Bottom surgery. What In the world.
I caught the end. I’m now in the replay. Make sure your notifications are set. If you have an iPhone you can get notified in your banner. I got the notification but I was wrapping up with work.

Jan 20 at 11:54 PM

Thank you Sassy. I am a vegetarian already. I was eating a lot of processed carbs. I was an alkaline vegan for 5 years then transitioned to vegetarian because I was too thin. I feel good right now and am ready to fast and really detox. I love this community. I am so happy and thankful for all of the love and support here