Erica anderson

Midland City, AL, United States

2SpicyPisces in brazil the finally tested the sharks for real and did a scientific study. it’s on they found real evidence and how it’s in their liver. they even found pregnant sharks contaminated and waiting for the outcome. other things we found as well, medications such as antibiotics etc.

replay gang. how did i miss this. i was on the youtube live earlier. what in the red wine is going on. #Og 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷


Jul 22 at 12:32 PM

i love this. i’m from manhattan. nyc is my city of origin. i love this so much. i can’t wait to see tasha k live. teddy looks white boy wasted 🤣. thanks for the pics. #winogang 🍷🍷🍷🍷


why did no on read the comments where sexxy red said it’s not her. please you posted the footage and didn’t read the comments to the right of the video. look at the bottom of the comments on the right where she said it’s not her. this is not good journalism smh. people do your own research. not a fan of this one bondy blue!

marlon has been out here cooning for a while. didn’t he stand behind jimmy fallon when he was doing black face. he’s annoying

Jul 17 at 04:09 PM

i forgot. do the freedom trail if you have time off of the boston common. it’s a walking tour you can listen by scanning something on your phone. you can see the underground railroad via the african meeting house.

Jul 17 at 09:40 AM

I am an OG Wino. Of course I do. ♥️. Neptune Oyster is in the North End (italian district). there is normally a long wait and there is no seating at the bar, the bar is considered a dining area. it’s very small. they have a variety of oysters. my favorite is the PEI. i am an oyster fanatic. i wish i was still there to show you around. #militarywife please get to salem if you can. it’s nice this time of the year as well.


Jul 17 at 08:07 AM

Do not use plastic bottles at all. do not use plastic glad or rubbermaid containers either. remove all of that stuff from your home. only use glass. that is how microplastics are in the body. when you can plan on getting water filtration in your home like a tyent machine and use glass only. microplastics are real. if you have bottles you can use them in your garden or recycle them. don’t put your drinks in them. use stainless steel or glass please. i know it sounds excessive but create a plan and make it happen. eliminate the use of plastics in your food and meal prep. especially in the microwave. reheating food in plastic containers ends up in your body as well.
