JoAnn Gillum

Gulfport, FL, United States

Sep 19 at 08:54 PM

When door is closed, another one open. I pray all will work out for you.


Juanya I mean she will be coming up with one soon, if not the next day. But….she can’t sue or at least win because there’s video recordings of majority of the things he said. She ain’t got the money. We all have heard and seen what she did the day of one of her evictions.

I commented in the Trailer that he's very smart, highly intelligent. But.....he is his mother's son. The dramatics, articulated words is more than I would expect from a young male. Still I [in my opinion] I'm swayed to feel there's something off, something not quite right.


Damn, he is highly intelligent. He should make a good writer.


I closed my app, and rebooted my phone.

Everything is 👍🏽


Oh my I hope Jaguar haven't pulled the plug and put the wammy on the site.

My script is paid, is there something more I need to buy? What's up?


Looks like he should be pissing stinky yellow pus. It also looks like rocks…

Maybe it’s just an act and the woman is playing with him.