JoAnn Gillum

Gulfport, FL, United States

Why didn’t the lady scream when she was being attacked. The security guard turned because maybe she wasn’t fighting. If it’s hurting you when a finger is in your butt you will let them know stop. Especially when they’re walking to an area that’s isolated.

Brad has 3 biological children with Angie twins and daughter His oldest daughter is a fabulous dancer

A 2nd woman has filed a lawsuit against Puffy. You were right Mrs T.

Dang…..this man need to be careful. If other people have been hurt or killed they may come for him.

That handbag wouldn’t be purchased because he black. At that price he needs the white name.

Nov 08 at 11:25 PM

He was getting his 3 on basketball on the chop board. NBA teams don't want their team players plus the sponsors to not work with Cube,and CBS are wanting to keep him out. They're in court and it looks like he will be able to keep his project.

He had to join them, show he will get his followers of Black people to go Republican.

That talk with Carson was a "I give I'm with ya"

Now on 11/6 or close to that date,he got what he wanted the has his league and NBA can't stop him.

He only wants the freaky sex he’s protecting his wife’s heart.

Whew....Y'all be careful, this man is dangerous and he may do anything to keep from being deported. Ladies be aware ..