Gerri-may Phillips

I am so disappointed in Da Brat her Jiminy Cricket comment tells me and others what we already know you wanted a white baby as there are plenty of handsome black gay males that would've happily given you there sperm. Just tell the truth you want a white baby because you've bought into European standards of beauty. Now that sounds like the truth to me. Also it doesn't fit into her brand to let people know that you're a self hating black woman

I don't want to say that this woman is lying as sexual abuse affects people in different ways some people block it out some people have vivid memories and some people have distorted memories because they're in and out of splitting off due to what is happening, if anything I don't think she should've done this video interview I'm also sensing that she may have a personality disorder which is very common with children that have had traumatic childhood. I think this is her way of dealing with it, to make it into some type of movie film type thing it's a coping mechanism it's a way of her to have control of what happened to her by putting it in a way where she feels that she is empowered and has some control.

 I'm British and I thought it might be an American thing but napping stops at nursery around the ages of  2 to 4 years old

The truth always comes out in the end. Prayers for Jaguar and we have to take things that she says with a pinch of salt she clearly isn't well
Has this man had a look in the mirror saying he likes girls that are pleasing to the eye work on yourself mate and that hat looks ridiculous he hasn't got the right head shape for it
Yuck. Thank God I've stopped watching porn who wants to see that in any porno. Not me absolutely disgusting
At first I thought it was tubes of coffee but now I know it's Doodoo I can't wait for you to take it off the screen