Gerri-may Phillips



 I would be very surprised if Kanye agreed for you to interview him as you are a black woman and Kanye does not like black women. Fax if he can do that to his own mother, who are you he might come on to dispel the rumours, but I very much doubt it.


It is a white thing. you have a white habit. Try that shit in Jamaica or Africa 


 Get off your high horse you subscribe to this channel, stop weaponising Jehovah you listen to the interview, so you're just as interested as anyone else stop being a fake


Nov 11 at 09:35 AM

 I just love Tasha, Kay, and I quote I'm broke not broken and that is facts that line alone won the argument. It was a knockout but medicine still trying to get back up but not quite succeeding. This is what I pay my £9.75 for yes, worth every penny.

Any black person that is happy with a trickle in life is like the person who built the Well, and he's handed a thimble of water I think they should be grateful to have it. Tashak be careful not to be brainwashed or bamboozled because my ancestors whisper in my ear and the tables are about to tan. I'm a single woman and Child is living in the UK. We share the same ancestors. Only difference you've got sent to America and I got sent to the Caribbean, yes black British Caribbean I'm proud of it but there's never gonna be a day where I  vote for a specimen like Trump. By the way, Trump means fart in England. When people say, I've just trumped by means of just farted like a trumpet, but we say Trump.

Tell you what I know is that Trump comes from a generation of slave owners that knew the business of keeping slaves and that is what is flowing through trumps blood today. This man has bamboozled the richest black man in America to support him and campaign for him. I'm talking about Kanye West obviously. A man that was raised by a woman who knows all there is about the struggle. His ancestors are working through him and I know something else. There are some black people out there who is ancestors is the house slave, who put white men in the position of God and can't help but defend their master. Not every black person has the African ancestor who sees the injustice and whispers in their ear like they did for Marcus Garvey and Bob Marley less we forget

 Kimberly Kardashian has intimacy issues but once she's centre of attention and everybody is watching she feels comfortable because she can perform. however, on a one-to-one rather than her being shy, I would put it to her that she is fearful that someone will see that she has no real character but rather a caricature of a life she has created that isn't real so when she is having one-to-one sex there's a level of intimacy that she cannot up hold, because her whole life is a sham and she is a fraud and not very interesting. That's not to say she can't perform tricks in bed that would keep the average insecure man pleased with that there is nothing black hole a void of character and realness

Brilliant interview Tasha. Thank you so much

As a black British woman with Jamaican heritage what people do not realise is that when you smoke marijuana you need to do what the rosters do eat food from the ground eat good food stay away from pig and red meat eat clean fish and vegetation and you will never get sick with marijuana also stay away from these lab grown plants in the West Indies smoke from the pure ground it's a beautiful thing