Sabrina Stovall

Detroit, MI, United States

Here we go! Go in Tasha! No record of domestic violence or any molestation. This girl is about to talk herself in circles


It’s like I’m watching Tasha play double dutch….she can’t wait to jump in!

I’m here y’all I’m here! I’m taking my braids down to watch this here!

Same here, I can’t stand to see a man cry and I know it hurt.

Chantel all on her video on YT up under the comments good and bad…mine included. It’s giving “lemme stir the pot and see how it simmers”

They’ve called CPS on her so much that now they don’t even know where the baby is. The courts are a joke at this point but I want the same thing, maybe he can get his grandbaby.

I didn’t even notice it, I had to go back and look. Yeah he love that woman and she loves him back. She just got sick of the cheating. Only time will tell….


Well you go right ahead and donate to her gofundme that I’m sure is up and running.


I cannot WAIT to see part 4! I gotta see this demon lie….

This man’s childhood and the lack of a family to care for him messed him up so much. This is why he has so many children and he CLEARLY loves his children more than anything. He’s trying to create for them, something he never had. But this daughter…this cancer has to be stopped because she’ll end up being his undoing. Despite him cheating and all, I really feel bad for him, I get it. I get why he is the way he is. I’m not saying he has a pass to be a hoe but this is deeper than sex, it’s psychological. And let’s be honest, it’s not at all hard for this man to pull a few dozen on any given weekend.