Sabrina Stovall

Detroit, MI, United States

Clarence getting locked up actually saved his tail!

ā€œExceptionally clearedā€ can also mean that the complantiant or witness wonā€™t complyā€¦.say for instance, not taking the child to a professional to be examined when sexual abuse is suspected OR dodging law officials.


Kimmies World Did I say you were pimping someone? I donā€™t believe all these ā€œdocumentsā€ she produces. At this point, we need warm bodies actual humans to verify her claims. Everything that is verifiable points to her lying. Like I stated, I have a sister just like that and for that very reason I keep my distance so when she does drag me into a lie, itā€™s always proven I was nowhere in the vicinity. And documents can be faked, itā€™s definitely not difficult. If you cannot pull them yourself from public record vs taking them from her, then that document is worth less than toilet paper.


Who is this Kimmies World lady? Why is she going so hard for Chantel? Whatā€™s scary is I have a sister just like Chantel and because I know who she is and HOW she is, I keep my distance. I donā€™t speak to her, she didnā€™t know I got married until my grandma told her 6 years after the fact. And of course she attempted to say something about my husband without even knowing his name or faceā€¦SMH. I know the type, they lie just as well as they breathe.

Apr 01 at 07:07 PM

Right, thatā€™s how Iā€™m feelingā€¦.somebody come through! šŸ¤£šŸ’™šŸ·


Yeah, Jonathan definitely called the paparazzi. He was too ready coming out the gym and way to willing to answer questions.

Maā€™am! If you donā€™t go get some chemo! They told her 2 years ago that they saw lesions on her lungs and now her breathing is getting worseā€¦the writing is on th wall. Sheā€™s the primary caregiver for a severely disabled son so her health is paramount. I canā€™t even comment on anything else in this interviewā€¦.SMH

Mar 18 at 06:03 PM


She seems like the kind thatā€™ll pass a lie detector test. She has no conscienceā€¦
