kiya b

A lot of them šŸ˜­

I think you were tryna speak on that ā€œlatinā€ women feel like they will get treated better because some black men have a fetish. So they put them at a higher platform or rank them black women based off seeing that as a status move. I live in Florida see it all the time & got some uncles who tried it. It never works out šŸ˜­ they be the craziest ones the moment they feel rejection from a black man because they see themselves as higher than black. Iā€™ve myself nicely let down ā€œLatinā€ men & they feel someway because they view themselves as higher šŸ™ƒ

Iā€™m glad you addressed the n word tasha cuz I was like wow. Honestly we gotta stop addressing latinas as they title alone. We gotta hold them accountable by putting ā€œwhite latinaā€ because thatā€™s what they are, descents of the the slave masters from Spain. I got black Latin family, friends & coworkers that all say the same about how racist they are how they family disown them as racist. My own racist experiences understanding Spanish & them not knowing. Only diff tbh is that the slaves got dropped off at a different port than us that did in America. Mentality is the same, till they get to America where being black seem kinda cool.

I gotta disagree from personal experience & talking to black Latin women. Just because you are in the carribean does not make you black. Slaves were dropped off at ports but their were slave masters & their families as well. As well as Taino (Indigenous) people. So proximation of black ppl does not make you black, your actual genealogy make up does. Being treated & seen as black or mixed with obvious black ancestry makes you black. I traveled to South America even Colombia , grew up with various type of Spanish & took 4 years of Spanish classes etc. yā€™all do not see yā€™all selves as black & love to say racist remarks because yā€™all assume we donā€™t understand Spanish. Itā€™s always been separation in yā€™all communities especially with yā€™all black black latin ppl. Itā€™s just cool to be black in America just like every other race here tries to do when they come here. Fact of the matter in Spain is im Europe & some of yā€™all are Taino & Spain descent pulling the black card vs African descent.

Commented on Coming Soon!

Dec 02 at 08:03 PM

Gone be crazy šŸ˜­


Nov 23 at 05:46 PM

Wow that read sound like how the men sound when they get rejected šŸ˜­ then too bring the babies into it. Arguing & talking shit donā€™t make u a advocate. You shouldnā€™t have to insult others to uplift your community.

Jun 01 at 12:24 AM

šŸ„³ u gotta let us know when the episode premieres šŸ˜­ imma be tuned in šŸ˜‚
