
Port Hueneme, CA, United States

Our encounter was brief. She was brought on the team for whatever attributes supported her calling herself SheDiddy. ....i didn't see it on any of her social media accounts...i didn't see it based on the many non entertainment related jobs she posted about...i didn't hear it in any of her posted studio sessions for her rap album..nothing presented itself in the brief conversations we had. There was no reason for she & i 2 mingle, so we didn't .

Being a stand in...extra...role play doesn't qualify the act of being, as an actual profession

I...umm...smh. i haven't watched this but I'm familiar with her. So in Cali the PRs are like the Holy Grail and really the only ones who can put u on the Voly Circuit. Productions & Events hire PRs as Event Coordinators. Event Coordinators staff their team for whatever part they're responsible for. You know KNOW the PR u could be staffed, paid. If their Assistant likes you, you're guaranteed on the Volunteer {Voly} List. Every event big or small you're credentialed... that comes with clout. You network professional..helpful..make sure you're seen by Execs, media personnel. You'll start being asked to work events with other people. .functions around the event. Event Ops, Photo Ops, you're being recognized but guess what...8hr..12hr..16hr days and you're only a volunteer and NOT getting paid. It's smoke & mirrors all day. A couple of pictures with Artists, with headsets don't make you a contender.


Nov 03 at 09:25 PM

She STILL looked FLAWLESS 🍷🍷💙🍷🍷. This has me low key heated. Do We #WINOS need 2 flood their pages?


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Sep 21 at 10:15 PM

..I don't know..I can side eye crazy but she dropping names, speaking on her kids & cps, speaking on her marriage & making implications about attempted murders. Her mouth iz 2 reckless not 2 monitor.

Wait!!!! That interview she did with that girl Angel the one who was supposedly with Safaree. The girl made a comment about Safaree "allegedly" not being the father of that la negra chicks twins. Tasha froze and then kinda sat back and was like, 'what?'..' what are u saying?'. Pls go watch it, that shyt was so damn funny 🤣🤣

....*BlankStare* she iz bat shyt crazy