Jessie Gavin

Feb 10 at 11:43 PM

That’s so true . I can’t unsee it now.


Feb 06 at 02:06 AM

Lmfao why I could see yall cutting up on the phone. This was a good and natural interview.


Tasha we know that’s your one liner “ allegedly “ even my name is allegedly 😭

She talk about everyone 😭 why would she be obsessed again ?


Nov 25 at 10:02 AM

It’s not crazy , cause I commented it. Now what ? I understand having surgery , that has nothing to do with me paying my money for nothing. She knew she had surgery , give us a month free or actually drop something worth my money . She not the only person running this account , so ralonda I suggest you get a hobby that involves you being a di*k that’s not mine thanks sweets

Nov 25 at 06:51 AM

It’s crazy people paying to watch nothing. Like plan ahead next time . You should of had shit in the archives ???

Commented on Detox Information

Nov 11 at 02:33 PM

Repost this please


Nov 02 at 09:34 AM

Hey , y’all heard about ms. Netta. I’m not sure how true it is but I know Tasha gonna have a segment . And Tasha butch never leave me high and dry on a Friday lmfao . Love you .