
Jun 30 at 12:20 PM

Also, thank you for not being rude in what you said. Adults should be able to disagree but be respectful.


Jun 29 at 11:00 PM

I think we all have been patient. But you can't keep charging people and not providing what we are paying for.


May 01 at 05:49 PM

🤣🤣🤣🤣 I live in Memphis and that's really how he is!!


Mar 18 at 06:02 PM


Jan 22 at 07:59 PM

I just got this notification!! They never come instally


She never stops talking. Didn't ask Tasha if she had any questions or anything. I don't trust people that can just run off at the mouth and never stop to take a breath!

Jan 09 at 06:02 PM



Oct 05 at 02:52 PM

Where's the interview with the brothers?

Replied on No Live Tonight

Sep 25 at 09:19 PM

What happened?