Mikki B

Ummm, I’ll see my way out🏃🏾‍♀️💨☮️

TK! All this “I love ya’ll but I gotta leave ya’ll” talk is stressing me out! I love your content and will definitely miss you online. Don’t forget us lil’ people and pop in with a show online every now and then. Good luck!


Awww, I love Tisa Tells! She has great content.


Listen to the original interview that prompted these interviews on Breakbeat Media on YouTube to hear her story. I see comments asking for rooms in the home, dates… she was able to tell a lot more of the story on there. All of this is sad.


I said the same thing somewhere in this post! Trauma shows up differently for each person. I like Tasak K but the way she handled this interview was irresponsible. Something happened!
